Building a Digital HR Organization

  Location:  Dubai Venue: Park Regis Kris Kin Hotel, Dubai Date: Friday, April 6 at 6 PM - 9 PM The Future Workplace - Building a Digital HR Organization As we move into an economy disrupted by technology, the workplace as we know it now is also undergoing a change albeit at a slower pace. Industry Experts who understand these forces and their implications on workforce and workplace will help their employees be more productive and increase their well-being, as well as enable their organizations to be more responsive. Come join us as we discuss, share and enumerate emerging trends in Transforming HR to be agile, consumer-focused and digital Seminar Highlights Creating a compelling employee experience Crafting Spaces that create culture Planning for a blended workforce Designing curated learning environments Developing career Mobility Options


Navigating the Supply Chain Certification Maze: Choosing the Right Certifying Body

Whether you are an experienced professional looking to advance your supply chain career or someone aspiring to break into the…