
SHRM certification

Blue Ocean Academy takes pride in launching SHRM certification programs for all aspiring as well as seasoned HR professionals. The Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) is a professional human resources membership association in the US that elevates the HR profession. This is through its certification, member network, research, and...

Strategic Warehousing in Modern Supply Chain- Free Webinar

In recent years, especially with e-commerce gaining prominence day by day, traditional warehousing roles have undergone a sea change. They are no longer idle storage places, instead, they play an ‘active’ and ‘strategic’ role in the critical logistics function. The webinar conducted by Blue Ocean Academy on ‘Strategic Warehousing in...

Dr Sathya Menon honored with FCIPS certification

Dr Sathya Menon, CEO of Blue Ocean Academy, was recently recognized as a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Procurement and Supply (FCIPS), the highest grade of CIPS membership. With this esteemed qualification from the Chartered Institute of Procurement and Supply (CIPS), the UK recognizes individuals as procurement leaders. This...

Free webinar in operational excellence

While organizations are competing with each other to improve the quality of products/services and ensure customer satisfaction, operational excellence is no longer a choice. Rising customer expectations, change in market trends and digitalization are leading to more challenges. The webinar conducted by Blue Ocean Academy on the topic ‘Operational Excellence’ focussed...

IATA- The Business of Freedom

Successfully restarting air passenger travel while restoring confidence in the safety of air travel are vital pre-requisites to enabling the global economy to recover from COVID-19. In normal times, aviation delivers $2.7 trillion in global GDP contribution. Every one of the 25 million employees in the airline industry helps support...

Free webinar on demystifying blockchain

Blockchain is rapidly transforming the modern-day business landscape. It is quickly becoming the backbone of modern ledger systems. Being the most disruptive technology of its decade, Blockchain is set to shape the future of our financial system, supply chain and record keeping. The webinar conducted by Blue Ocean Academy on the...

How is HR certification important to you and your career?

The HR department plays an important role in the success of any organization. A well-structured human resource management function provides a strategic edge to any modern organization. It manages the employees and motivates them to work towards achieving the organizational goals. The webinar was conducted by Blue Ocean Academy on...

10 Key Reasons Why Financial Literacy is Important

The success of any business depends on several factors such as Revenue, Profits, Cash Flow, Assets and so on. Many business professionals have only a vague idea about these terms, due to which they are unable to fully comprehend the financial impact of their decisions and also contribute fully to...

Free Webinar on Procurement Streamlining

Blue Ocean Academy has conducted a Procurement and Supply Chain webinar on the topic ‘Procurement Streamlining’. It was facilitated by Dr. LeRoy H. Graw, the President and CEO of the American Certification Institute and the International Purchasing and Supply Chain Management Institute. Around 180 professionals around the world attended the webinar....