Blue Ocean Academy: Award Nite 2019
Blue Ocean Academy, the region’s largest knowledge empowerment enterprise, celebrated the recent Annual General Meet. The event opened its doors to 2019 on a jubilant note, celebrating 20 years of operational existence along with an Award ceremony where the best performers were recognized and rewarded. The recent Award Night was a resounding success and a night to remember, truly celebrating the notable achievements and contributions of our talented team.Held at Crowne Plaza Hotel, the event radiated sophistication and elegance from the moment attendees stepped into the hall. The evening started off with an impressive opening speech from Dr Sathya menon, the group CEO of Blue Ocean Academy, in which he highlighted the milestones of the organization and explained the significance of the annual event in recognizing the outstanding employees. The atmosphere was electric as the awards ceremony began, with applause and cheers filling the room each time a winner was announced. Among the notable awards presented were the "Leader of the Year," awarded to one of the dedicated employees who consistently went above and beyond in leading a team, and the "Mr Reliable," recognizing one of the team members who has put in his complete effort for the growth of the organization. Attendees also enjoyed a gourmet dinner that left taste buds delighted. The event was not just a celebration; instead, it was a testament to the spirit of excellence that defined our organization. It left everyone inspired, motivated, and more connected as a team, reinforcing our commitment to a bright and successful future together. The company, which was established in 1998 to bridge the widening gap between knowledge and infrastructure in the region, has now set new standards of training excellence, making it a global leader in its field of expertise. It’s important to benchmark success, or so the group CEO and Chairman, Dr. Sathya Menon and Mr. Abdul Azeez respectively, who not only led from the front but also benevolently honoured all those who brought in their hardwork and talent to contribute to the success of the enterprise.
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