Procurement Management Best Practices

The market is undergoing a radical change and maintaining a profitable business has become a hard nut to crack. As competition increases, organizations are compelled to provide innovative products or services for the customers. You should always be searching for new ways to reduce costs and results that heighten customer...

How COA training helps

Do you have multitasking ability and the ability to fulfill responsible duties promptly? Then, you will make a good executive personal assistant. Executive personal assistant is a job that stands close to the management. It is a huge responsibility as the person has to support the top executives in an...

78 top HR professionals attended workshop

Blue Ocean Academy has conducted a highly educational workshop for HR professionals at Movenpick Hotel Dubai on the topic of "Increasing Measurable Effectiveness of Training and ROI". The workshop was on December 17, 2019, from 9.30 am to 4.30 pm. Despite it being a working day, 78 HR professionals from...

Logistics training

As competition gets tougher in every industry day by day, getting an additional qualification to stay relevant has become the need of the hour. Logistics is a significant industry across the world as it deals with the purchase, packaging, storing and delivery of products. For those who are interested in...