The impact of globalization, technology, and increasing competition has resulted in significant transformation in the supply chain today. Innovative measures and an effective strategy are essential to managing supply chain activities in an organization. As the supply chain works at a global level, the companies will have to face several...
Category: From the Expert Diaries
When certification courses help you advance in your career, touring through the words of experts take you one step closer to achieving it. Here are some resources that will help you get your concerns about the certification courses addressed.
Procurement Management Best Practices
The market is undergoing a radical change and maintaining a profitable business has become a hard nut to crack. As competition increases, organizations are compelled to provide innovative products or services for the customers. You should always be searching for new ways to reduce costs and results that heighten customer...
Understanding the role of office administrator
Office administrator, corporate secretary, and personal assistant are similar job profiles which have more or less the same responsibilities. Though their importance in an organization is often overlooked, office administrator is the one who ensures that it functions smoothly. She has a significant supportive role that helps all team members...
How to become a certified corporate secretary
As per law, every organization should have a corporate secretary. The corporate secretary is like one of the pillars that makes a firm basis for the company and ensures that it is functioning properly. What is a corporate secretary The corporate secretary is the employee who ensures the efficiency of...
How COA training helps
Do you have multitasking ability and the ability to fulfill responsible duties promptly? Then, you will make a good executive personal assistant. Executive personal assistant is a job that stands close to the management. It is a huge responsibility as the person has to support the top executives in an...
Practising Time and Stress Management at Workplace
A life without stress will be wonderful, but it is impossible. Every person will experience stress at some point in their life regardless of the field in which they are working. However, leading a pleasant professional and personal life depends on how you deal with stress. Time is an important...
Tips to Improve Your Business Writing Skills
Do you know that a single spelling mistake can snatch away sales from you? In business communication, every word that you utter or write makes an impression about you that can adversely or positively affect your sales. A poorly-written business proposal may cost you lakhs at times. So, what can...
78 top HR professionals attended workshop
Blue Ocean Academy has conducted a highly educational workshop for HR professionals at Movenpick Hotel Dubai on the topic of "Increasing Measurable Effectiveness of Training and ROI". The workshop was on December 17, 2019, from 9.30 am to 4.30 pm. Despite it being a working day, 78 HR professionals from...
Logistics training
As competition gets tougher in every industry day by day, getting an additional qualification to stay relevant has become the need of the hour. Logistics is a significant industry across the world as it deals with the purchase, packaging, storing and delivery of products. For those who are interested in...
Everything you should know about emotional intelligence
Several times, you would have said that someone is not professional. Certain behavior from you might also have made other people say the same comment about you. So, what is the quality which makes you professional? Professionalism is simply, the conduct, behavior, and attitude expected from an individual in a...