CILT is the Largest Gold Standard professional body of its kind in the world. It is considered as one of the most prestigious qualifications for professionals in the Logistics & Transportation industry and provides a central focal point on related matters for relevant professionals. Throughout the world CILT qualifications are recognized as driving leading edge thinking and professionalism in the Transport & Logistics Industry.

Module 1: Management in Logistics
Aviation Logistics
Air Cargo
- Supply chains under pressure
- Air cargo’s strengths
- Model shift
Air Cargo History
- Globalization
- Environmental pressure
- Airport types
- Integrators
Cargo Handling Agents – The Impact of It
- Operations at cargo agencies, airlines, and freight forwarders
- Air cargo acceptance basic rating principles
- Air waybill completion
- Industry terminology and abbreviations
- Air Cargo Tariff Rules and other cargo manuals
Cargo Security and Risk
- Threats to aviation and introduction to cargo security;
- Importance of implementation of security measures;
- Catering and mail security;
- Crime prevention;
- Recognition and management of treats;
- Human factors in Cargo security.
Maritime Logistics
Defining Maritime Logistics and Its Value
- Maritime logistics in concept
- Maritime logistics value defined
- Strategic significance of maritime logistics value
- Concluding remarks
International Maritime Trade and Logistics
- Logistics and supply chain management
- Logistics and transport
- Global trade and international maritime trade
- Global trade and international trade
Developing Liner Service Networks in Container Shipping
- Background on container shipping
- Configuration and design of liner shipping services
- Shipping routes, network patterns and port centrality
- Supply Chain Integration of Shipping Companies
Tanker Shipping Logistics
- Transfer components
- Marine terminals
- Contractual relationships
- Cargo transfer procedures
- Cargo losses
Dry Bulk Shipping Logistics
- Dry bulk trade
- Dry bulk fleet
- Economies of dry bulk trade
- Principles of dry bulk shipping logistics
Dry Port in Concept and Practice
- Intermodality and seaport inland access
- Intermodal terminal facilities
- The dry port concept
- Dry port examples
Port and Logistics Chains: Changes in Organizational Effectiveness
- Ports and logistics chains
- Port authorities in logistics chains
Module 2: Transport Operations
Shipping Documentation
- Ocean Bill of Lading (B/L), Airway Bill (AWB)
- Import and Export Documentation
- Commercial, Customs & Transportation Documentation
- Export-Import clearance of break bulk & containerized cargo
- Shipping company & Port formalities
Freight Transport and Logistics
- Characteristics of intermodal transport
- Containerisation of intermodal transport
- Advantages of intermodal transport
- Containerisation and intermodal transport
- Development of intermodal transport
- Combined transport operators and their services
- Towards innovative intermodal transport
Road Freight and Transport Management
- Definitions of common terms used in road freight haulage
- The role of the Transport Manager in the road freight haulage sector and their legal responsibilities
- How companies apply for road freight haulage licences and who issues them
- National and European regulations relating to the safe operation of road haulage
Passenger Road Transport and its Management
- How bus services are operated in the UK and the organisations involved
- How to apply for a Public Service Operator’s licence
- How to apply to operate bus routes and the requirements
- The role of the Transport Manager in the process
Module 3: International Business
Inco Terms
- Introduction to INCO terms
- Four Groups of INCO terms : E, F , C & D
- Risk management spectrum
- ICC & INCO terms
- INCO terms & Carriage risk analysis
- Carrier liabilities
- Insurance
- Buyer & Seller responsibilities
Letter of Credit
- Letter of Credit Operations
- Types of LCs
- Terms of payments in LCs
- Role of Bank, Company and Customer
- Issuing, Advising and Negotiations
- Financial, Transport and other documentation
- Straight Credits, Clean Credits
- Discrepancies & Resolution
Documentary Credit & UCP 600
- Documentary Credits: What & Why?
- Settlement of International Trade transactions
- Settlement of International Payment instruments
- Clean payment vs Documentary collections
- Analysis of risks and uncertainties in payment
- UCP 600 and Documentary Credit undertaking of banks
- Analysis of costs borne by seller and buyer
International Trade
- Trade & Marketing Environment (Domestic & Overseas)
- Entry into overseas Markets /Strategies for development
- Dynamics of Protectionism & Trade Barriers
- International Economic Institutions – GATT – WTO, UNCTAD, IMF &
World Bank Groups
Module 4: Transport Planning
Shipping Law & Marine Insurance
Shipping Law
- Law of the Sea & Ships
- Law of the carriage of Goods by Sea
- Adoption & Enactment of International Law in Shipping (UNCLOS)
- Contract of A reightment – Bill of Ladings & Charter Parties
- Risks, Responsibilities and Immunities of the Carrier under the Law
- Rights & Privileges of the Charterer / Shipper
- Hague-Visby Rules & Hamburg Rules
Marine Insurance
- Aim, Objectives, Policy Types & Coverage
- Insurable Interests & Warranties
- Insurance of Hull & Machinery & Cargo
- General Average – Particular Average, Total Loss
- Settlement of Marine claims
- Lawful marine adventure & Abandonment
Rail Transport Planning
- Introduction
- Rail transport resources
- The environment
- Transport planning tools, requirements
- Transport operations
- Regulation and Control
Air Transport Planning
- Air Transportation Management
- The Air Transportation System
- Introduction to Air Transportation Law
- Introduction to Air Safety and Aviation Security
- Civil Aviation Authorities
- Impact of Technology in Air Transport
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