Fuel to Your Procurement Career Growth: CIPP-CIPM Certification

What is Procurement?

As business operations witness high competition in recent markets, it is important to ensure that the organization functions the right way. Procurement professionals are responsible for the proper acquisition of products and services required to enhance the operational efficiency of the organisation. Apart from being a business necessity, procurement can be considered a competitive advantage in terms of time, money and resources. Over the past few years, the term procurement has gained massive importance from an organisational perspective. Procurement is the method of identifying and purchasing goods or services from an external source and is often associated with business as most of them demand goods and services, relatively on a larger scale. When procurement professionals stand as an inevitable part of an organisation, their efficiency and skills determine how well the operations happen. Being responsible for purchases, negotiations, and cost controls in terms of goods, the recent trend closely connects with the fact that organizations prefer to retain internationally certified professionals in the team. This is where the significance of CIPP-CIPM courses comes into the frame. The CIPP-CIPM course will highly benefit procurement professionals who desire to advance their knowledge in the industry and validate their dedication towards their profession.

What is CIPP-CIPM Certification?

The Certified International Procurement Professional (CIPP) and The Certified International Procurement Manager (CIPM), the two renowned qualifications for both aspiring and experienced procurement professionals, aim to help candidates grow and succeed in their procurement careers.  The key objectives of the certification are to
  1.         help candidates associated with the procurement department gain recognition of professional status
  2.         to make candidates capable enough of developing performance standards and functional guidelines to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of purchasing.
In this blog, we will highlight the benefits of qualifying for CIPP-CIPM certification and how it would account for your career growth. 

How can CIPP-CIPM aid you in your career advancement?

The professional certifications and qualifications are intended to contribute greatly to the career growth of the qualifier. CIPP-CIPM is very prestigious, and both certifications are meant for professionals who desire to progress in their profession. Let us now look into some of the important benefits you will earn once you get CIPP-CIPM certified.
  •       Better understanding of Planning and Specification
The smooth operation of the organization is dependent on the procurement professionals who contribute to product acquisition. A certified professional gets properly trained in specifying the requirements ideally and planning the entire process to avoid delays in the operations.  On enrolling in the CIPP-CIPM training, candidates will also receive an ample understanding of how to order and re-order the products based on the existing database.
  •   Enhanced Efficiency in Identifying and Choosing the Right Supplier
Finding the right suppliers for the organization is vital and this is one of the key responsibilities in the duty prospectus of a procurement professional. CIPP-CIPM certification provides the candidates with adequate knowledge about various techniques required to choose the most appropriate supplier from the list that matches the company's requirements. A lack of proper idea about the process might not only result in transaction issues but can also delay the entire business operation which would cost you valuable time. CIPP-CIPM certification will contribute abundantly to enhancing your efficiency in dealing with suppliers.
  •   Improve Negotiation Skills
Another important duty of a procurement professional is to convince the supplier to match the cost recommended by the organization. Purchasing the best products along with balancing profitability is what a proficient procurement professional should be capable of. The CIPP-CIPM training equips candidates with this skill along with various techniques to efficiently negotiate with the suppliers. Negotiation is not limited to cost. It also includes various other elements including company terms and conditions, timely delivery etc. It is the responsibility of a procurement professional to negotiate with suppliers to adhere to the company's requirements in terms of products.
  •   Learn to Manage Risks
Every procedure involves certain risks and an expert professional will be well-educated about the techniques required to manage and overcome these risk elements. Risks in procurement include fraud, quality, compliance, cost and delivery risks. The CIPP-CIPM training focuses on developing risk management skill that is mandatory for procurement professionals. In a nutshell, the course addresses risks like inaccurate analysis of internal requirements, poor and disorganized vendor management, unnecessary delays in the process etc.
  •   Initiate Seamless Payment Processing
Undergoing the CIPP-CIPM training will help you gather a better understanding of the invoices and payment process that is to be initiated from your end. The training gives insights into how to adhere to the company contracts and policies while preparing invoices and processing payments. As we've explored, the certifications not only just elevate your professional standing but also equip you with the required skills, from efficient supplier selection to effective risk management. The smooth integration of planning, negotiation, and risk mitigation strategies, blended with a heightened understanding of payment processes, makes CIPP-CIPM-certified professionals an invaluable assets in today's competitive business landscape.

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