Interviewing sounds easy enough: you arrange for a conversation between you and potential candidates, and then select the best person for a particular position. But what if you could refine the process in such a way that you were confident that you are selecting the right person? How do you separate the good from the great, when they have similar work experience and strengths to offer? This two-day workshop will give you the skills and tools to hire successful candidates.

What Will Students Learn?
- How to recognize the costs incurred by an organization when a wrong hiring decision is made
- Ways to develop a fair and consistent interviewing process for selecting employees
- How to prepare better job advertisements and use a variety of markets
- How to develop a job analysis and position profile
- How to use traditional, behavioral, achievement oriented, holistic, and situational (critical incident) interview questions
- Communication skills that are essential for a skilled recruiter
- How to effectively interview difficult applicants
- Ways to check references more effectively
- Basic employment and human rights laws that can affect the hiring process
What Topics are Covered?
- History of the interviewing process
- The recruitment and selection process
- Cost analysis
- Job analysis and position profiles
- Finding candidates and advertising guidelines
- Screening resumes and performance assessments
- Problems recruiters face and interviewing barriers
- Non-verbal communication and types of questions
- Traditional vs. behavioral interviews
- The critical incident technique
- Difficult applicants
- Interview preparation and format
- Scoring responses and checking references
- Human rights